Service Information

Organization: Central Registry > Nucleus Independent Living

Provides assistance in connecting clients with a variety of services from local community agencies. Services include out-of-home caregiver respite.

Requested period of stay (max 2 weeks)
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This field is required

Are these eligibility requirements met?

Care Recipient does not require 24 hours supervision.
Care Recipient is agreeable to Short Stay (daily
intermittent care).
Care Recipient does not pose a risk to self or others.
Care Recipient does not require specialized behavioural care or
mental health support (physically combative, verbally
abusive etc.).
Care Recipient does not require a locked care facility.
Client must have a valid Ontario health card or IFH number.
Minimum Age: 18 yrs
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Care Recipient Information

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This field is required

What is the preferred Language?

This field is required

Is an interpreter required?

This field is required

Does the registrant grant permission to referral recipient to contact the family doctor for more information?

This field is required
This field is required
Primary Caregiver
This field is required

Email (Confirmation and reminder emails will be sent here)

This field is required

Lives with Care Recipient?

What is the preferred Language?

This field is required

Is an interpreter required?

This field is required
Referral Source
This field is required
Health Information
This field is required

Please list and describe any allergies

This field is required
Additional Information

Attach RAI and other applicable documents here.

Add files

Send confirmation, change & reminder messages to < name> < email>

Submission complete

The information has been submitted to Central Registry > Nucleus Independent Living, but you have some steps left:

A confirmation message will be sent to - -


Reference #: -
  • Registrant:
  • Organization:
    Central Registry > Nucleus Independent Living
    CR - SS
    Inquiry Phone:
    1 (905) 281-4443

Tip: Referrals can be viewed by navigating to referrals in the top menu
