Service Information

I am a caregiver, friend, or family member of someone living with dementia.
Organization: Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County

Your role as a caregiver for someone living with dementia can be rewarding, challenging and at times confusing.

There are people who understand what you are going through, and help is available. We have Dementia Care Coaches experienced in working with you as a caregiver, friend, or family member of someone living with dementia.

Families do better with dementia when diagnosis and intervention is made as early as possible, and when they are well supported and connected in the community. Dementia Care Coaches provide compassionate support, tailored coaching, and practical education for caregivers.

Registrant Information

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Additional Information

Phone, Mail or E-mail?:

Send confirmation, change & reminder messages to < name > < email >

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Reference #: -
  • Registrant:
  • Organization:
    Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County
    I am a caregiver, friend, or family member of someone living with dementia.
    Inquiry Phone:
    1 (613) 523-4004

Tip: Referrals can be viewed by navigating to referrals in the top menu
